Kenya, Africa

We will be partnering with Africa Mission Services again. In 2016, the group from Highland completed the first of four classrooms for the new secondary school. Then, in 2018, the team started the girls’ dormitory. Highland returned in 2023 and helped put the roof on a new women’s health facility, and various projects for the school. Last year, the team worked to refresh the primary school, held VBS and helped in the medical clinic.

The specifics of this years projects and ministry are still in the works but will include a building project at the secondary school and possibly a VBS and/or medical clinic. Our aim and purpose are to serve the community’s needs and to share the love of Jesus Christ.

Cebu, Philippines

This will be our first mission trip to Cebu, Philippines. Those in attendance will be working with local highschools presenting the “Newstart program” working in medical, dental and vision clinics.