College Fair

The college fair is an event for both juniors and seniors in October. This year it will be held on October 3 in the Raphan Ley Auditorium. This event brings Seventh Day Adventist Colleges and Universities from throughout North America giving seniors and juniors the opportunity to peruse what is available, apply for admissions to any and all colleges of interest and ask questions of the representatives from each school. 

Career Day

Career Day is an opportunity for all students to get acquainted with various occupations in the real world. We invite people from different occupation that require college, graduate degrees, and technical school to spend the day with the student body on a Sunday.  The day begins with worship in Ponce Hall. From there, the students separate into groups making their way to various stations to hear presentations about career opportunities and people's experiences in those industries. Presenters go over their education after high school and what to consider when thinking about their futures. The students get to have question/answer sessions with the presenters getting even more acquainted with them and their individual work or their industry.