Ready to Apply?

We’re so happy you’re making the decision to attend Highland Academy. Follow the steps below and get ready for your new start at Highland Academy. Are you a returning student? Skip to step five.

  • You and your parents are invited to visit the campus at any time. We would appreciate knowing in advance, so that accommodations and meals will be ready for you. (Please contact our school office at (615) 325-2036. While visiting you may wish to meet:

    • Principal (Chadd Watkins)

    • Registrar (Verne Sherman)

    • Deans (Boys’: Steve Rogers / Girls’: JP Mathis)

    • Work Coordinator (Steve Rogers)

    • Teachers

    To request more information please click the link here.

  • All students who attend Highland Academy are subject to the regulations of the school and its standard of conduct. All students are expected to honor and respect the standards and practices of this Seventh-day Adventist school and are required to follow all regulations found in each section of the school handbook.

    Domestic Students

    New Students: Please fill out the online application. There is a application fee to process your application at time of submission.

    Three references to be considered for acceptance. Reference Forms are available by clicking the recommendation form link below.

    A interview will be scheduled once we have all of the above requirements.

    Once accepted, you will be notified by a email. At this point, you will need to follow the instructions to complete enrollment. (see step three below).

    Online Form Link

    Recommendation Form

    International Students

    International students are students who receive I-20 student visa forms from Highland Academy.

    Due to the structure of our boarding academy program, Highland Academy does not offer year-round accommodations. During home leave periods, the campus is closed. Arrangements must be made for students to be off campus during these times. Please refer to our calendar for home leave dates and times. See the handbook regarding transportation options.

    International applicants to Highland Academy must be aged 14-17 years and must be English proficient. Transfer or continuing students entering their senior year must be 18 years or younger.

    Please fill out the online application. There is a application fee to process your application at time of submission.

    You will need to submit three references to be considered for acceptance. Reference forms are available by clicking the recommendation form link below.

    Online Form Link

    Recommendation Form

  • Steps to be considered for acceptance. Please have the following items:

    1. Application

    2. References

    3. Interview

    4. Transcript

    5. Enrollment

    If accepted you’ll receive an email from the registrar with further instructions.

  • Once online enrollment is complete the final step is August registration on campus. Please refer to the online calendar for registration details.

    The following will need to be presented and/or filled out on or before registration day and before you register for classes.

    • A recent physical examination or sports physical (within the last 6 months for all new students and Juniors)

    • A current immunization record

    • A current medical insurance card

    • A copy of birth certificate.

    • A Social Security Card (required for work assignments)

  • Enroll for the next school year using your Parentweb username and password. Once in Parentweb, select Family Information from the list on the left, and then select enrollment/reenrollment.

    If you are not returning, still login to your account and select "WILL NOT ENROLL".